I think that the process of revision is a very important and necessary step that must occur while composing a piece of writing. Many of us may think that our papers are perfect the first time around and acquire no type of change whatsoever. However, this happening, is extremely rare and for the majority of us, the process of revision is an inevitable aspect of writing that we must learn to deal with. For me, I am never fully satisfied with my original draft and I understand that if i take some time to reread and make the necessary changes, I will be more confident in the outcome of my writing. In order for this confidence to occur, it usually takes me at least three revisions before my writing is something that I am satisfied with. I believe that revising can have nothing more than a positive impact on your writing by making the final draft more sophisticated and well thought out. Once compared with the original draft, the revised version and its differences are clearly evident. The structure of the paper as a whole as well in the sentences shows more fluency and my main ideas are stronger with supporting evidence. Without the revision process, my writing would have been lacking in certain aspects and would not have achieved its full potential.
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